Australian country roads are a major contributor to the increase in the need for wombat rescue,especially in country areas like Ceduna and the Nullarbor . Here are a few tips for people who come across dead or injured native animals while travelling. (applies to wombats and kangaroos) If the animals is dead and on the road make sure your way is clear and drag it off the road. If its a wombat roll it onto its back and check to see if its a female .If it is a female you will find a pouch opening low on the stomach area. Put your hand in and feel around to see if there is a baby in the pouch. If there is a baby in the pouch try to gently take it off the mothers teat but if it wont let go try cutting the teat off to detatch the joey or dora as the case may be. Wrap the baby up in a blanket or jumper and try and keep it at your body temperature. A good way to maintain the babys body temp is to stuff it inside your shirt . This also helps the animal in another way. They are used to hearing their mothers heart beat and yours will help to replace it until you can find a rescue center. If it apears the mother has been dead a day or two you may like to try giving the animal a few drops of water through an eye dropper.. Dont force the animal , just a few drops at a time should get you through till you reach a destination that has rescue facilities. The job becomes much harder when trying to deal with native animals that are injured. Being injured in a lot of instances for native animal adults often results in them having to be put to sleep for humane reasons.

Wombat Rescue

Wombat Rescue

Australian country roads are a major contributor to the increase in the need for wombat rescue,especially in country areas like Ceduna and the Nullarbor . Here are a few tips for people who come across dead or injured native animals while travelling. (applies to wombats and kangaroos) If the animals is dead and on the road make sure your way is clear and drag it off the road. If its a wombat roll it onto its back and check to see if its a female .If it is a female you will find a pouch opening low on the stomach area. Put your hand in and feel around to see if there is a baby in the pouch. If there is a baby in the pouch try to gently take it off the mothers teat but if it wont let go try cutting the teat off to detatch the joey or dora as the case may be. Wrap the baby up in a blanket or jumper and try and keep it at your body temperature. A good way to maintain the babys body temp is to stuff it inside your shirt . This also helps the animal in another way. They are used to hearing their mothers heart beat and yours will help to replace it until you can find a rescue center. If it apears the mother has been dead a day or two you may like to try giving the animal a few drops of water through an eye dropper.. Dont force the animal , just a few drops at a time should get you through till you reach a destination that has rescue facilities. The job becomes much harder when trying to deal with native animals that are injured. Being injured in a lot of instances for native animal adults often results in them having to be put to sleep for humane reasons.